Healthcare & Life Sciences

Andi has been a supplier and partner of printed materials to various international companies in Healthcare & Life Sciences for decades. In addition to customized deliverables, this highly demanding sector requires specialized knowledge and solutions in the field of process optimization and quality assurance. That is why we work with a dedicated Healthcare & Life Sciences, enabling us to work closely with our clients to effectively address the unique challenges in this sector.

We ensure that our clients’ processes are continuously monitored by designated contacts with sector-specific knowledge, as well as specialists in strategy and quality. This constant monitoring enables us to proactively propose improvements that optimize the total cost of ownership. The custom solutions we design on behalf of our diverse clientele include printing on demand, online portals, pattern analysis to optimize orders, inventory management and just-in-time delivery.

Education & government

Schools and universities use printed materials every day, often produced in high-volume print runs. Here at Andi, we use a different approach. We provide an online portal where school and university employees can order exactly what they need – and nothing more. The same applies to the photocopying services that employees and students need on a daily basis. We provide added value by offering smart solutions: printing on demand, personalized prints, placing orders via online portals, inventory management and facilitation of copy services. Andi Smart Print Solutions also provides print solutions for various government agencies and is closely involved in the national criteria for sustainable public procurement. Our social return policy is an important priority. Every tender we submit includes social return agreements designed to make an active contribution towards improving labor participation. We achieve that goal by employing people in our company who have a disadvantage on the job market.


We also provide print solutions for industrial companies, encompassing general communications, trade and commerce, industrial documentation and packaging materials. Examples include VAT forms, blocks and sets of carbon-copy forms and letterhead stationery, labels, badges, wrappers, catalogues, brochures, instructions, lesson materials and user manuals. Andi can handle it all.

Our online portal and printing on demand system offer a smart, efficient solution for industry clients as well.